Welcome from Andrea

Never lose a treasured recipe again. Have you ever scrolled frantically through bookmarks or flipped back through pages of scribbled notes to find a recipe you heard about in the podcast show notes and you're just SURE you saved? Yeah, I've done the same thing!

Get your thoughts and ideas into a safe, orderly place with the Plan to Eat app. Organize and plan your ancestral meals, remember to take things out of the freezer and start things soaking on time, and share your recipes with your friends and family!

You do not need a credit card to trial Plan to Eat, and they will not automatically subscribe or re-enroll you.

Listen to my interview on the Plan to Eat podcast (Episode 88) to learn more about why I love this app for ancestral meal planning!

Easily import recipes to your online cookbook, drag them to your meal planner, and we’ll make your organized grocery list.

Meal Planner App